The application period for the program has ended.
The purpose of the program is to promote the growth of the startup eco-system in Riga with the help of co-financing, supporting the activities of organizations whose daily work is related to the development of startups, thus promoting the emergence of new startups and promoting the recognition of Riga as a startup-friendly city.
The annual competition REGULATIONS
This year, the participation of participants has been unexpectedly high; 22 applications have been received, and 35 different activities have been applied. Even though the total available budget is EUR 120,000, the total amount requested in the submitted applications is more than EUR 340,000. The following activities receive the highest number of points and, accordingly, full or partial funding:
Activity | Total points received | Requested Funding | Assigned Funding |
Starptautiska jaunuzņēmumu un investoru konference "TechChill 2024" | 116 | 20 000,00 | 20 000,00 |
Startup Day 2024 | Latvian Startup Awards | 106 | 16 000,00 | 16 000,00 |
“VC in Town” – 8 pasākumu cikls | 101 | 5 000,00 | 5 000,00 |
Apmācību un grantu finansējuma piesaistes atbalsts jaunuzņēmumiem digitālo inovāciju jomā | 88 | 19 835,12 | 19 835,12 |
Community Forum | 87 | 3 000,00 | 3 000,00 |
“Women in Tech” hakatons | 85 | 5 878,10 | 5 878,10 |
“superSTARTUP: creating success stories” – 3 dienu bootcamp | 77 | 10 000,00 | 10 000,00 |
Vieslekciju cikls "Biznesa gēns" | 74 | 13 800,00 | 13 800,00 |
“Female Founders Lunch” | 73 | 4 500,00 | 4 500,00 |
Startup BBQ 2024 | 73 | 20 000,00 | 20 000,00 |
meistarklašu cikls "Find your place in Space" un sadarbības (Matchmaking) pasākums meistarklašu absolventi |
72 | 17 700,00 | 1986,78 |
In total: | 120 000,00 |
Activity | Total points received | Requested Funding | Assigned Funding |
Meistarklašu cikls "Find your place in Space" un sadarbības (Matchmaking) pasākums meistarklašu absolventi | 72 | 17 700,00 |
(in addition to previously received) 15 713,22 |
ROBO RIGA 2024 | 66 | 20 000,00 | 20 000,00 |
“Startups & Spice & Everything Nice” – 6 video-interviju cikls | 67 | 9 000,00 | 9 000,00 |
Mākslīgā Intelekta hakatons Hack4AI | 67 | 10 000,00 | 10 000,00 |
Starptautisks finanšu tehnoloģiju hakatons “Open FinHack” | 65 | 11 000,00 | 11 000,00 |
Start-up Boot camp (Jaunuzņēmuma inovāciju nometne) | 63 | 4 721,00 | 4 721,00 |
Baltic Sustainability Awards 2024 | 59 | 14 000,00 | 9 065,78 |
In total: | 79 500,00 |
Mārtiņš Pakalniņš, tālr. +371 27897357, e-pasts: